When you attend a home showing, it's easy to get swept up in the excitement of finding your dream home. However, it's crucial to look beyond the surface and pay attention to the details that can significantly impact your investment. In this blog, we'll explore the key things you should not ignore during a home showing, ensuring you make an informed decision.

1. Structural Issues

Foundation Cracks

Small cracks can be common, but large or growing cracks can indicate serious foundation problems. Look for uneven floors or doors and windows that stick, as these can also be signs of foundation issues.

Roof Condition

Inspect the roof for missing shingles, signs of sagging, or water damage. Roof repairs or replacements can be costly, so it's important to assess the condition early on.

2. Water Damage

Stains and Leaks

Check ceilings, walls, and under sinks for water stains or leaks. Persistent moisture can lead to mold growth and structural damage.

Basement and Attic

Ensure these areas are dry and well-ventilated. Musty smells or visible mold are red flags that should not be ignored.

3. Electrical System

Wiring and Outlets

Outdated or faulty wiring can be a fire hazard. Test the outlets and look at the electrical panel to ensure it’s up to code and can handle your electrical needs.


Check if all lights and switches are functioning properly. Flickering lights can indicate electrical problems.

4. Plumbing

Pipes and Faucets

Inspect pipes for rust, leaks, or corrosion. Turn on faucets to check for water pressure and look for any signs of water discoloration.

Water Heater

Determine the age and condition of the water heater. An old or inefficient heater can lead to higher energy bills.

5. HVAC System

Heating and Cooling

Ensure the heating and cooling systems are in good working order. Ask about the age of the systems and any recent maintenance.


Proper insulation is essential for energy efficiency. Check the attic and walls for adequate insulation.

6. Windows and Doors

Condition and Fit

Windows and doors should open and close smoothly and seal properly. Drafts can indicate poor insulation and lead to higher energy costs.

Locks and Security

Ensure all locks are functional and secure. Consider the overall security features of the home.

7. Exterior and Yard

Siding and Paint

Look for peeling paint, cracks, or signs of rot in the siding. These can indicate underlying issues that need attention.


Check the yard for proper drainage away from the home. Poor drainage can lead to water damage and foundation problems.


Overgrown trees or bushes can affect the home’s foundation and exterior. Ensure the landscaping is well-maintained.

8. Neighborhood and Location

Noise Levels

Visit the home at different times of the day to gauge noise levels. Consider proximity to busy roads, airports, or train tracks.

Amenities and Services

Assess the availability of nearby amenities like schools, grocery stores, and healthcare facilities. Consider the neighborhood’s safety and community vibe.

Attending a home showing is a crucial step in the home-buying process. By paying attention to these key areas, you can avoid potential pitfalls and make a more informed decision. Remember, it’s not just about the home’s appearance; it’s about the underlying condition and what it will mean for your investment. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and take your time evaluating each aspect thoroughly. Happy house hunting!

Matt Witte strives to be the best realtor in North Andover MA.

Any questions about real estate, reach out to Matt Witte North Andover Realtor MA